How To Enjoy Working In A Team?

In the world of work, a team is a group of people brought together to work together on a common project. This is not enough for it to be effective. Some people love to work in a team, while others don’t necessarily like people or just prefer to isolate themselves. Better to know how to be able to work in both cases. Indeed, this is what is often requested by employers.

 You Prefer To Work Alone

People sometimes prefer to work alone for different reasons, for example:

  • Be the sole responsible for the work
  • Do not be discredited by others
  • Fear of losing control
  • Colleagues are annoying
  • Timidity
  • Lack of patience to understand others
  • Stress

It is important to know how to work alone, but also as a team. Otherwise, we risk passing for an arrogant person, not open-minded enough, cold …

Teamwork: An Important Point

In many vacancies, the ability to work in a team is required. Either you really can’t stand it, in this case, aim for another job, or even another profession. Either you don’t really like it, you may encounter difficulties, but you know how to make efforts, then: if during a job interview the recruiter asks you a question such as “Do you prefer to work alone (e ) or in a team? “,” Do you like working in a team? ” or “What do you think of teamwork?”, avoid leaning too much for one or the other. Show that both situations are suitable for you and state the reasons.

Work Well As A Team

There are dysfunctions in many teams. How to make group work go well? :

    • Establish a clear and fair organization (assign each one a role, tasks, objectives, a precise mission)
    • Establish good communication (know the progress of the project, know who is working on what, give information to everyone …)
    • To listen to others
    • Schedule meetings to review the project
    • Talk about the problems encountered and find solutions together
    • Do not judge, take into account the ideas of team members
    • Make everyone trust and respect others
    • Knowing how to take responsibility for mistakes and problems
    • Behave correctly